Birchfield Homes for Sale
Birchfield Homes presents sophisticated style and attention to every detail, and these outstanding homes offer a lifestyle of comfort and convenience. The prime Birchfield location provides easy access to shopping and dining at Village Pointe, Aksarben Village, and Oakview Mall. Residents enjoy suburban living with a quick commute to downtown Omaha. Kids thrive in Millard's top-rated schools.
Birchfield Real Estate Listings
Birchfield Market Stats
In 2022, there were 7 homes sold in Birchfield. The average price of those sales was $334,000. The highest-priced home to sell was $375,000, while the lowest-priced home sold for $252,000.
If you go back to 2021, there were 12 sales. The average sales price was $283,000, with the highest-priced home selling for $348,000 and the lowest-priced home selling for $206,000.
View a list of homes sold in Birchfield in the past two years.
Birchfield is served by the Millard Public Schools.
Students usually attend Neihardt Elementary School, Harry Andersen Middle School, and Millard West High School.
Please Note: If the specific school and school district are important, please check directly with the school district’s administrative office. School boundaries do change.