Armbrust Rockbrook Homes for Sale
Armbrust Homes presents a limited collection of new homes situated in one of Omaha's most coveted neighborhoods - Rockbrook.
Armbrust Rockbrook Real Estate Listings
Armbrust Rockbrook Market Stats
In 2022, there were 2 homes sold in Armbrust Rockbrook. The average price of those sales was $270,000. The highest-priced home to sell was $310,000, while the lowest-priced home sold for $230,000.
If you go back to 2021, there were 0 sales.
View a list of homes sold in Armbrust Rockbrook in the past two years.
More about Armbrust Rockbrook
Known for its natural beauty, excellent schools, and family-friendly community, Rockbrook offers the perfect setting to call home. These thoughtfully designed homes offer spacious floorplans with 3-6 bedrooms, up to 4 baths, and a range of luxury finishes. Generous great rooms, gourmet kitchens with large islands, and ample storage space make daily life comfortable and convenient. Outdoors, you'll love relaxing on the covered patio or deck.
Not only are these homes loaded with features, but their location provides easy access to shopping, dining, entertainment and more along West Center Road. The area's scenic walking trails, parks, and golf course will help you fully embrace the Rockbrook lifestyle. With various models and layouts, you're sure to find a new Armbrust home in Rockbrook that perfectly matches your needs. These homes combine ideal location with exceptional quality, showcasing the very best of Omaha living.
Armbrust Rockbrook is served by the Westside Public Schools.
Students usually attend Oakdale Elementary School, Westside Middle School, and Westside High School.
Please Note: If the specific school and school district are important, please check directly with the school district’s administrative office. School boundaries do change.