Harrison Woods Homes for Sale
Prospective homeowners are sure to find ranch-style, two-story, and beautiful villas within the neighborhood.
Harrison Woods Real Estate Listings
Harrison Woods Market Stats
In 2022, there were 10 homes sold in Harrison Woods. The average price of those sales was $457,000. The highest-priced home to sell was $506,000, while the lowest-priced home sold for $395,000.
If you go back to 2021, there were 10 sales. The average sales price was $358,000, with the highest-priced home selling for $431,000 and the lowest-priced home selling for $220,000.
View a list of homes sold in Harrison Woods in the past two years.
More about Harrison Woods
Harrison Woods is part of Gretna Public School District close to shopping, schools, and restaurants. Harrison Woods offers a neighborhood swimming pool, walking trail, and playground. Within a few kilometers of Harrison Woods are two great recreational places for a relaxing family outing: Lake Zorinsky and Wehrspann Recreation Area. Both areas offer family-friendly activities, including picnics, light boating, and long trail walks. Your best chance for a quick commute is to take Harrison East, then Giles South, where you can connect to I-80 in only 30 minutes with light traffic.
Homeowners are responsible for an annual assessment fee of around $250 to help with the common area maintenance needs of the entire community.
Harrison Woods is served by the Gretna Public Schools.
Students usually attend Whitetail Creek Elementary School, Aspen Creek Middle School, and Gretna East High School.
Please Note: If the specific school and school district are important, please check directly with the school district’s administrative office. School boundaries do change.